Último Refugio
del Lince Ibérico
Iberian Lynx Land
Historic centre declarated of cultural interest
Active tourism
Mountain range of Andujar Natural Park
Natural Park
Natural Park
Natural Park
Qué hacer
The possibilities are many, so we will suggest some ways to know and enjoy this Natural Park.
Big game Hunters from all over the world attend their annual meeting with the Sierra de Andújar.
Fishing Local fishing societies organize competitions in the three reservoirs of the Park.
Water activities Pirogues, canoes, kayaks... in the reservoirs of the Park.
Photographic hunting There are specialized guides for lovers of ecological photography.
Trails The park has all kinds of trails and circuits, from easy to very demanding.
Pilgrimages The pilgrimage crews organize pilgrimages to the Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Cabeza.
Mountain bikes Throughout the year, marches are organized through the Park.
Starlight reserve The Sierra de Andújar has been declared free of light pollution.
Other activities Horse riding, bellowing, painball, archery, balloon rides...
Active Tourism Companies of Andújar
Active turism
The activity of the fishing can be practiced, in the reservoirs of La Lancha, the Encinarejo and the Rumblar.
The National Fishing Contest "Olive Oil Trophy" is organized annually, organized by the Koipe Fishing Society. It takes place during the September Fair within the Activities Program "Trofeo Ciudad de Andujar".
Active turism
Water activities
One of the ways to enjoy this natural space is the practice of water sports with low environmental impact such as pirogues, canoes, kayaks or pedal boats, in the reservoirs of this Park.
© Pedro Alcántara
Water activities Gallery
Active turism
Photographic hunting
For lovers of ecological photography, these places are ideal to know the different species that have their natural habitat in this Park. For the execution of this activity it is recommended to hire specialized guides, since it is done in exclusive and restricted places.
© Iberus Medio Ambiente
Photo hunting Gallery
Active turism
Any time of the year is feasible to practice this modality, being the spring and the autumn recommendable by the floral appearance in the first one; and for the show that deer provide us in heat in the second, popularly known as the bellowing.
There is a diverse range, from easy and short paths that can be done by people without experience or preparation (even small children), to large circuits for which adequate physical preparation is required.
Hiking Gallery
Active turism
Some pilgrimage crews organize pilgrimages to the Basilica of the Royal Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Cabeza on weekends, welcoming all the people who want to join for free on the route known as "Pilgrim Path".
Pilgrimage Gallery
Active turism
Mountain bikes
It is a sport that counts in Andújar every day with more fans. Proof of this are the marches carried out on weekends throughout the year as well as the various competitions that take place in this natural environment.
© Pedro Alcántara
Mountain bikes Gallery
Active turism
Starlight Reserve
The Sierra Morena region, which extends over more than 400 kilometers through the provinces of Jaén, Córdoba, Sevilla and Huelva, to the north of Andalusia; It has recently been declared a Starlight Tourist Reserve and Destination, distinctive only given to areas that conserve a sky free of light pollution from where the firmament is contemplated with the best conditions. Therefore, you can be sure that the mountain range of Andujar will delight lovers of astronomy.
Also, in our municipality you will find some of the so-called "star accommodations", which are those that have adapted part of their services to comfortably accommodate those who wish to enjoy the night skies of this mountain range, not only for the quality of their sky, but for the amenities they offer to fans. It is Villa Matilde, located in the Sierra of Andujar.
Active turism
Other activities
Routes on horseback or in a mule, listening to the rutting, paintball, archery, visits to farms, environmental education camps, balloon rides or Stars Light routes; are other ways to know and enjoy this privileged Natural Park.
Active tourism
Mountain range of Andujar Natural Park
Turismo Verde
Guías de naturaleza
Carlos Expósito
WhatsApp de contacto + 34 608 59 34 39 I
HORARIO: atención telefónica de 10.00 a 20.00 h.
OBSERVACIONES: territorio lince, visitas guiadas interpretadas, observación de fauna y rutas 4x4 por el parque natural.
Iberian LynxLand
Guías de naturaleza
José Luis Ojeda Navio y Jose Luis Sánchez Balsera
Velillos, 19, Andújar
636 98 45 15 / 626 700 525 I
HORARIO: atención telefónica de 9.00 a 21.00 h.
OBSERVACIONES: rutas 4x4 por la Sierra de Andújar, Sierra de Cazorla y Sierra Mágina, rutas por fincas privadas y guía de fotografía de fauna amenazada
SAYR Ingeniería y ocio
Actividades en la naturaleza, Educación Ambiental y Visitas turísticas y culturales.
Dirección: Avda. 28 de Febrero Nº3 8ºB. Andújar
Teléfono: 616 862 230 - Lorena Luque Cabrero.
Lunes a Viernes: 9:00 - 19:00
Sábados: 9:00 - 14:00
Entre sus actividades destacamos:
Actividades en la Naturaleza y Educación Ambiental: rutas en Kayak interpretadas, rutas de senderismo, avistamiento de fauna, packs de campamentos de verano, la Berrea, avistamiento de Lince Ibérico y todo tipo de actividades de educación ambiental (talleres de fauna y flora, actividades escolares, etc.).
Actividades culturales: Visitas Guiadas por Andújar (diurnas y nocturnas) y Santuario de la Virgen de la Cabeza. Disponemos de una oferta muy amplia: Andújar Histórica y Monumental, Andújar a la luz de la luna, Torreones, Pasadizos y Mazmorras, Andújar de Extramuros, etc.
Avistamiento de fauna
Daniel Joaquín Risueño Sánchez
Carretera de la Alcaparrosa km. 3, 3, Andújar
654 96 02 42 I
HORARIO: atención telefónica 24h.
OBSERVACIONES: Rutas 4x4, guía fotográfica, rutas interpretativas y actividades de educación ambiental.
Rutas culturales y de naturaleza
Virginia Jurado Cabrero y Manuel Jesús Osorio González
644 54 16 92 Rutas de naturaleza
621 01 28 83 Rutas culturales y de ocio
Horario: atención telefónica de lunes a sábado de 9:00 h a 19:00 h, domingos de 9:00h a 14:00h
OBSERVACIONES: rutas culturales y de ocio en Andújar, senderismo/4x4 en el Parque Natural Sierra de Andújar y otros espacios naturales de Sierra Morena, educación ambiental, observación de fauna y fotografía de naturaleza.
Villa Matilde
Ocio y alojamiento
Mercedes Coco Pérez
Ctra JH-5002 pantano del Jándula Km3
618 329 980
SCHEDULE: From 9:00 to 21:00hrs. Telephone and WhatsApp information.
INFORMATION: Fauna and flora observation, Iberian lynx and bird watching, 4X4 guides tours in the Sierra de Andújar, interpretative excursions, environmental education activities, B&B accommodation.
Birds&Lynx Ecotourism
Guías de naturaleza
Lola Burgos Romero
659 93 65 66 I
HORARIO: atención telefónica de 9 a 14 horas y de 16 a 18h. Whatsapp las 24 horas del día.
OBSERVACIONES: observación de fauna, rutas interpretativas y turismo ornitológico, berrea del ciervo, observación del lince ibérico.
Caempa S.C.A
Ana Expósito Parrado
C/ Ben Yussuf, 2, Andújar
658 94 74 92 / 633 37 22 69
HORARIO: atención telefónica de 9.00 a 19.00 h.
OBSERVACIONES: programas de educación ambiental en el aula, talleres de reciclaje, energías renovables, consumo responsable, huerco escolar, etnobotánica, rutas interpretativas en la naturaleza, dinamización de zonas verdes. También realizan actividades de gestión de calidad y consultoría: seguimiento alimentario, estudios de impacto ambiental y planes de protección contra incendios.
Lorena Luque Cabrero
Plaza Incio 3, Andújar
684 233 738 I
HORARIO: atención telefónica de 10.00 a 14.00 y de 17.00 a 20.00 h.
OBSERVACIONES: Rutas senderistas interpretadas con enfoque y énfasis en la educación ambiental, talleres de educación ambiental, jornadas y eventos ambientales. Campamentos de verano urbanos y en la naturaleza.
Campo de Paintball
José Manuel Cañones Amarillo
Ctra.Santuario km 12.300, Andújar
667 50 61 66 I
HORARIO: atención telefónica 24h.
Juan Antonio Moreno Liébana
Camino de los Rubiales S/N. Cercado del Ciprés, observatorio del Lince Ibérico. Andújar (Jaén)
662 974 012/ 630 022 045/ 608 964 328
HORARIO: atención personalizada 24h.
Observaciones: Rutas 4x4 en Parque Natural Sierra de Andújar, rutas por zonas restringidas, Tour Operador con Paquetes de actividades, observación de flora y fauna, rutas interpretativas familiar y escolar, turismo ornitológico, observación de berrea, hide fotográfico, observación del lince ibérico, observación de imperial, safaris fotográficos.