Último Refugio
del Lince Ibérico
Iberian Lynx Land
Historic centre declarated of cultural interest
Pilgrimage of the Virgin of the Head
Andujar romera

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Virgin of the Head
Pilgrimage Poster 2024

Almost 800 years of history
It has been celebrated since the first half of the 13th century on the last Sunday of April and is considered one of the oldest pilgrimages in Spain.
The Pilgrimage of the Virgen de la Cabeza, takes place in the Sierra Morena, the border between Andalusia and Castilla-La Mancha, and is an impressive manifestation of Marian fervor, adorned with the colors of banners and flags of each of the Brotherhoods that they come from all of Spain.
The floral bloom of spring serves as a frame to come and go through the paths of the mountains. The pilgrims on foot, horse, in mules or in roads, manifest a festive expansion, but of deep and sincere devotion, making coexistence their best form of prayer.
Pilgrimage Friday
The reception in Andújar of the Brotherhoods branches on the afternoon of the Friday before the last Sunday of April, begins the Pilgrimage. The Royal Brotherhood Matriz from Andújar in corporation and next to the mayor of the city receives in the gardens of Columbus all those who the next day have to go up to the Sanctuary, to give the warmest welcome. Thus begins the parade through the main streets of the city, to the City Hall where a salve will be sung.
Pilgrimage Saturday
On Saturday morning, the parade of the Matriz Brotherhood takes place through the streets of the city, whose courtship increases with a greater number of riders, amazons and couples to the rump, without forgetting the harnessed mules and the jamugas. The festive atmosphere of the exit is maintained along the path that leads to the hermitage of San Ginés, first stop of the day, to continue to the meadow of "Lugar Nuevo", next to the river Jándula, where lunch will take place and then continue road to the Sanctuary. Parallel, and very early, the wagons have left, which will also stop for lunch in this wide meadow, before continuing its route to the hill.
When arriving at the Sanctuary the Brotherhoods follow one another in their presentation before the Image. Throughout the night in the dressing room you can feel an intimate intimacy with the Blessed Virgin. In the temple there is a massive participation in the masses and rosaries that are celebrated.
Pilgrimage Sunday
Sunday is the big day, the culmination of the celebration, the apotheosis of Mary at the top of her mountain range. An altar is installed in the esplanade of the Sanctuary so that most pilgrims can attend and participate in the Eucharist. The turning of the bells of the temple announces, near noon, the most solemn and culminating moment of the pilgrimage, the procession of the Blessed Virgen de la Cabeza.
Throughout the road, all the Brotherhoods have been formed beforehand and a multitude of devotees crowd with the Image that begins to walk along the roadways of the hill.
When the Image returns to its dressing room, after four hours of travel, a new year begins for the pilgrims who return to their places of origin, some that same day and others the next day, taking with them rosemary and estadales to distribute among the friends and family.
In this link you will all the information about this event: