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Out-standing houses and other buildings

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The constructive activity between the second and third decade of the twentieth century was intense in the city. Years in which the local bourgeoisie will build comfortable houses located in the main arteries of Andujar: San Bartolome street, San Francisco Street and Ollerias.

The regionalist aesthetic is the preferred option, leaving the architect Anibal Gonzalez the most illustrious examples, such as the Aldehuela house or the Espejo house. Its typology responds to the same scheme: three floors, the interior space organized around a central patio that is accessed by means of a hall and the facade articulated with beautiful viewpoints and balconies.

The Espejo house is one of the best examples of regional architecture in the town. Designed in 1927 by the architect Anibal Gonzalez Alvarez, one of the greatest exponents of regionalist architecture of the Andalusian type, who put it in vogue from the direction of the contest of the Ibero-American Exhibition of Seville in 1929. Author of the Plaza de España (Spain Square) in Seville, of the palace of Fine Arts, of plateresque style, and that of the Decorative Arts, of Mudejar style. After the Civil War (1939), the Market Square suffers intense action, carried out by the General Directorate of Devastated Regions. In this space were located some of the best examples of Baroque civil architecture in the city: the palace of the Marquis del Puente, that of the Count of Royal Grace and that of the Marquis of St. Rafael. Nothing remains of it fruit of misfortune and laziness. Buildings such as the post and telegraphs ones, the work of architect Prieto Moreno (1943) or public spaces reinvented today occupy their place

Elias House Castillo Square

This house is a project of 1916, in which elements as diverse as glazed ceramics, exposed brick, wrought-iron gazebo and bicolor wall are combined in an attractive way, and it is a beautiful example of regionalist architecture.

Its typology responds to the scheme of: three floors, the interior space organized around a central patio which is accessed by means of a hall and the facade articulated with beautiful viewpoints and balconies.

Casa Elias is located in front of Sala Lola's (former Tívoli cinema) and is usually called Casa Elias, because there was a doctor's consultation with that name.


It is one of the earliest and most interesting examples of local regional architecture. Built in 1924, its facade made of red brick and ocher, has a beautiful viewpoint very characteristic in this type of architecture.


It is one of the best examples of the regionalist architecture of the town. It was designed by the architect Anibal Gonzalez, the greatest exponent of regional architecture of the Andalusian type in 1927. This architect is the author, among other works of the Plaza de España of Seville or the Palace of Fine Arts.

Espejo House (House of the Mirror) San Francisco Street, 12

It is one of the best examples of the regionalist architecture of the town. It was designed by the architect Anibal Gonzalez, the greatest exponent of regional architecture of the Andalusian type in 1927. This architect is the author, among other works of the Plaza de España of Seville or the Palace of Fine Arts.

House nº 13 Ollerias Street, 13

It is one of the earliest and most interesting examples of local regional architecture. Built in 1924, its facade made of red brick and ocher, has a beautiful viewpoint very characteristic in this type of architecture.

Sala Lola's (known as Tivoli Cinema) Castillo Square

The room, in its origin Tívoli Cinema, is located in the space where the old castle-fortress of the city was located. His record of demolition, approved in the municipal session of January 5, 1932, was presented by don Jose Corbella Pene, on behalf of don Bonoso Lara, and extended by municipal agreement of August 17, 1933.

The project of new work, of Fernando Alzado, was shocking, because it supposed a radical rupture with the architecture of regionalistic or eclectic type that was being made in the locality, and inaugurated the modern architecture of vanguard, that began to rehearse in the Spanish state.

Its metal structure, as a skeleton, the use of concrete, the absence of any element that recalled the architecture of the past, the perfect organization of the space to the intended function, which provided for the elimination of any type of interior support that would obstruct the vision of the spectator in the stalls, his toilets, etc., marveled the andujareño of those years, who saw in the building the symbol of the new times.

This building is usually linked within the expressionist movement, although it is more evident in its facade project than in the interior design of its space.

IES Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza Calle Argimiro Rodriguez

Jaen's only work of the great architect and urban planner Miguel Fisac. Building that is under the rational-functional guidelines as a teaching center.


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