Último Refugio
del Lince Ibérico
Iberian Lynx Land
Historic centre declarated of cultural interest
Palace House of the Servants of Mieres
Tourist apartments

Civil architecture
Urban routes
In the hillock of St. Pedro, is the 18th-century manor house of Sirvente de Mieres. There is hardly anything left of the old Palatial-home, as it has been segregated into two separate buildings, which share its porticoed courtyard. The cover, of baroque style, is of sandstone and is organized in two bodies of similar composition, which correspond to the doorway and balcony. Its lintel door is between Tuscan pilars with cushioning on the shaft, with the St. Andrew´s cross. Its split pediment welcomes the balcony overhang, whose vain is finished off with the coat of arms of the dying lineage.
It was the ancestral home of the Sirvente de Mieres y Cárdenas. Union of lineages fruit of the marriage bond between Bartolome Sirvente, a native of the island of Ibiza, and Isabel de Mieres, parents of Don Antonio Sirvente de Mieres and grandparents of Don Antonio Sirvente de Cardenas, president of the Royal Chancery of Granada between 1597 and 1606, patron of the chapel of the parish Church of Old St. Mary of Andujar.
The interior courtyard is now covered with a glass montera with iron framework that defines the whole, being a space that energizes the rest of the building. The sixteenth-seventeenth-century Tuscan columns stand out, one of which is attached to the wall on which rest two half-point brick arches, somewhat reduced. Very interesting the support where the stem of the column disappears leaving a very original shell decoration.
At present, this large manor house is completely restored and rehabilitated for tourist apartments.
Association of Friends of the Patrimony of Andujar
XVIII century
Tourist apartments
Calle Altozano Serrano Plato, 4
616 93 54 01

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