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Recreative areas

What to visit in mountain range of Andujar Natural Park


Natural Park


What to visit

Recreative areas
The Straight "La Recta"


It is accessed by the A-6177 road (Andujar-Virgen de la Cabeza Sanctuary) by turning left at km 22,950, along the “La Recta” trail.

It is next to the Jandula river. It has tables, benches, barbecues and containers. Its characteristic vegetation is formed by the riverside forests typical of the Sierra de Andujar Natural Park: alders, sargas, oleanders, ash trees, etc .; which serve as a refuge for wildlife species such as herons, diving, otters, water cocks, etc.

Recreative areas
El Encinarejo


It is accessed by the A-6177 road (Andujar-Virgen de la Cabeza Sanctuary) by turning right at km 22,300, by a dirt road that leads directly to the enclave.

It is located next to the Jandula River, below the Encinarejo dam. This place is ideal for a picnic, with tables, benches, barbecues and containers. We will find, in addition to the typical riverside vegetation, broad spots of pines and eucalyptus. Ideal place for fishing.

Unique places
Recreational area "El Jabali"


Located on the left bank of the A-6177 road (Andujar-Virgen de la Cabeza Sanctuary) at the height of km 27,700 is the El Jabali recreational area.


It has an abundant vegetation of holm oaks surrounded by pine trees. Perfectly equipped to celebrate a family picnic, with tables, benches, barbecues, containers and even a fountain.

Its name is given by the stone sculpture of the wild boar that presides over the space, the work of local artist Luis Aldehuela.

Recreative areas
La Aliseda


It is accessed by the A-6177 road (Andujar-Virgen de la Cabeza Sanctuary). At the height of km 14,750, we will turn right to take the JV-5001. We will find this recreational area 37 km from said crossing. It is bordering the Despeñaperros Natural Park. We can also access through the municipality of Santa Elena.

Here there are many aromatic plants and trees, the most abundant being the alder, from which the place takes its name. A small river of crystalline waters runs, called "La Campana".

At the beginning of the last century, there was a spa where there are only a few remains of buildings. The residents of the town of Santa Elena celebrate in this place the pilgrimage of San Isidro.

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